Africa crafts village
This is a women’s group initiative where they gather and market their art and craft products
Kampala is over 40 Km by road from Entebbe International Airport, the main gateway to the country
Gadhafi national mosque
The new mosque was formally opened and dedicated for worship in 2008 by the late Colonel Gaddafi
Sheraton Hotel
This is an International Brand Hotel in Kampala. It is located on Ternan Avenue close to the city center and over 40 Km from Entebbe International Airport .

Independence Monument
This historical feature is one of the rewarding sights in Kampala city. Rising magnificently to the height of 6 meters, the monument commemorates the attainment of Independence in 1962.
Makerere University
This esteemed public University has held the mantle of Uganda and East Africa as an icon for tertiary training