Emergency Numbers
Alcoholics Anonymous in Uganda
Mobile: +256 704 935251
+256 787 422 257
Ambulance Services
(Uganda Ambulance Services)
Mobile: +256 782 556878
Child Helpline(The Surgery)
Mobile: +256 752 752 756003
Dr Sarah Worthington
Mobile: +256 752 994469
Dentist (Pan Dental Surgery)
Tel:(041) 4347608/ (031) 2251525
Doctor(The Surgery)
Mobile: +256 752 756003/ +256 752 756004
Electrical (Umeme)
Tel:(031) 2185185/ (041) 4185185
Fire Brigade
Tel:(041) 4421222/112
Toll Free/(041) 4342222
Fire Masters
147 Toll Free
Funeral Services
Tel: (041) 4535678/(041) 4251999
Medical Evacuation Flights (Aeroclub-Fly Uganda)
Mobile:+256 772712557
National Water & Sewerage Corporation
977 Not Toll Free
Tel:(041) 4340613/999
Toll Free(041) 4250615 HQ/ (041) 4345953
Professor Johnson Acon
Mobile: +256 772 300300/ +256 712 303303
Automobile Association Of Uganda
Tel:(041) 4250745
(041) 4255917
Mobile:+256 772 403789
Other Useful Numbers
Airport Taxis Services
Mobile: +256 776 496800
+256 717 511441
Association Of Uganda Tour Operators
Tel:(041) 4542599
Department of Immigration
Tel: (041) 423103/3
Dog Training(Jumbo Dog Dynasty)
Moobile: +256 772348102
Entebbe International Airport
Tel:(031) 2353100/ (0414) 4353000
Food Delivery(TakeAwayUG)
Mobile:+256 750177278
Food Delivery
International Directory Enquiries
Kampala International Church
Mobile:+256 782727597
Tel: (031) 2245245
Nakasero Hospital
Tel:(041) 4346150/2
National Theater
Tel: (041) 4254567/ (031) 2264569
Posta Uganda
Tel:(041) 4255511/3
Taxi Services (BluCruise Taxis)
Uganda Tourist Board
Tel: (041) 4342196/7
Uganda Wildlife Authority
Tel: (041) 4355000/ (041)4346287